
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Winter Concert
December 19, 2011

Here is Megan before her Winter Concert at school. She plays the clarinet. She is enjoying it emencely, and did a great job!! She has never played an instrument before, so this was a whole new experience for her. She was very nervous, but did an excellent job! We are so very proud of her. Nana, Uncle Ken and our neighbor Marylou even came to see her!

Megan and Tyler just before her concert. Although they fight sometimes, they do love each other.

The concert. First year 5th grade students. Playing songs such as hot cross buns, Camp town races, Good king Wencalasals,Go tell aunt Rodie, lightly row...

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

an UPDATE of the past year......

SO much has happened since my last post. On February 11, 2011 our world turned up side down. Our Governor (Scott Walker) turned Wisconsin into a battle ground.  He has taken the state and divided many friends and families against each other..... He  proposed a bill (Budget repair bill) to strip the Union's from their right to bargain  and an individual from their rights in many ways in the state. On February 14th and the following weekend we marched the capital with several  other thousands of people, sometimes hundreds of thousands On February 16 some of the area schools were closed due to Teachers  calling in" sick", and although Albany Teachers chose not to do it, I would've supported them if they did, because I believe Teachers are the future, and teaching our children is a very important job.    On February 17, fourteen wonderful senators left our state and went into hiding....John Erpenbach who is our constituent, was one of those people, leaving for what the people believed in....for the rights of others. On February 19, 2011 there were more than 65,000 people who gathering at the Capital. The building was occupied by many thousands of people, sleeping there for days on end. 

People from all over were sending pizza from Ian's Pizza (a local pizza joint) in support of the "attacks on the working class". Governor Walker threatened the Senators with many things, taking away their paychecks, printer use and allowing them any access to the Capital.Doors were locked and not unlocked when they were supposed to be. Camera's were not allowed, no signs, he "said" there was $ 8,0000+ damage to the Capital because of the signs posted inside.  This went on , and is still going on today, until he signed the bill on March 11, 2011. The day of hell!!!  It has been a long year of many angry nights, and hardships for many families. Many Teachers contracts were in jeopardy and the fight was on for many state workers, public workers (my husband)***Our household alone will lose $500.00/month****** the list has grown. Our Schools have lost funding, 850.000 to be exact. The horror continues. So many lies that come, and continue to come from Scott Walkers mouth, the Koch Brothers mouths and the Fitzgerald brothers......  On Saturday December 1, 2011..... I signed a Petition to Recall him. The recall petition started November 15th, and in 3 days we had over 300,000 signatures. We need 560,000 to recall the S.O.B!!

This along with many other things have consumed our lives. It's caused Calvin to begin with a second job.CSC Services, it's basically security for all University games, that has taken away family time.... It's caused financial hardship, spending less, hopefully it won't take the wonderful family moments of camping during the summer or our home from us. Only god knows what lies ahead for us. May he help us with whatever needs be.